Friday, August 22, 2008

What do you do when a dream dies?

So before I jump in on the Sakic speculation, the debate over the move from The Fan, rumors of Sundin's ultimate landing spot, Foppa's foot or anything else Avs related I want to take you back.

Back before the Olympics.

Back before Free Agency.

Back to when the interminable summer had barely begun.

Back when Theo was still unsigned by anyone.

Back when many fans still seemed hopeful despite loss.

Back to the draft - and what in my opinion was the most touching moment - the drafting of David Carle.

You see David Carle, who is to be a freshman at DU this fall, and who received a scholarship to play hockey for the Pioneers found out that he will never be able to play the sport to which he has so far dedicated his life at the level he might have hoped. Nope. Carle was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect that could result in his sudden death should he participate in the high intensity games of NCAA hockey, not to mention the NHL. The condition, known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, was discovered while at the Draft Combine earlier this summer.

Gwozdecky and the staff at DU athletics agreed to honor his scholarship and allow him to participate with the team, though he cannot play for them. According to Gwozdecky, "There was never any question about us honoring his scholarship. This is something we all know David could handle since he has that type of personality and courage." This might have been enough. Surely that's already above and beyond the call of duty. But then to top it all off the team that had won the Stamkos sweepstakes used their final, 7th round draft pick to select David Carle - knowing full well that he would never see NHL ice.

That, my friends, is why I love hockey - because that is pure class.

The reason I bring this up now (apart from the fact that this blog didn't even exist on the day the original story broke) is that recently posted an update on Carle and how life has been treating him since his rather grim diagnosis.

Carle will be the student assistant coach with DU this coming year, and I don't know about you, but I smell Scotty Bowman story in the making here. Not to put all that on Carle at so young an age - but the potential is there. He is certainly a young man to keep an eye on.

1 comment:

Texas Youth for Political Awareness said...

Great post!
Carle's story is definitely a touching and memorable one, and it's great that you're spreading it around. I had a short post on it too, but yours is more thorough. Nice job!